Qigong’s simple movements and postures unite body, mind and breath to provide a wonderful form of gentle exercise.

An extremely effective method of reducing stress, Qigong can at the same time enhance your energy and impart a strong sense of calm and wellbeing. 

This programme is designed specifically for the older person.

To book please click on the Book Here button below - if you encounter any difficulties in booking, email classes@sadiecentre.org or if it urgent, call Reception on 01462 678804.


Qigong with Jane Sparkes

On Mondays 9:15am - 10:15am 4th December to 18th December

3 classes

Qigong with Jane Sparkes

On Mondays 9:15am - 10:15am 15th January to 12th February

4 classes (No class on 29th January)

Tutor: Jane Sparkes

Jane is a passionate and experienced teacher and devoted student of Qigong.  She began her journey in 2014 and studied with the Shiatsu College in Brixton where she later completed her teacher training course.

Her varied background was largely scientific and technical – working first in the chemical industry as an analyst and then in schools where she developed and managed computer networks and systems.

Jane introduced Qigong to the students at Hitchin Girls School, November 2022

We were so pleased that Hitchin Girls School enjoyed their recent Qigong session with our tutor Jane Sparkes.

Jane Sparkes introducing Qigong to the Hitchin Girls School pupils.




T'ai Chi