
A system of medicine which has been in use for over 2000 years, acupuncture is a cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine and one of the longest standing, most developed medical modalities that has ever existed.

Acupuncture helps the body to maintain good health and rid itself of illness or imbalance.  It is based on the principle that the body’s ‘life force’ – the principle or energy that keeps us alive – travels along channels or invisible meridians within the body. Energy blockages in these meridians are cleared through the insertion of fine needles at specific points along its lines.

Acupuncture is commonly used in the treatment of digestive, menopausal and respiratory (hay fever, asthma, etc) problems – as well as for arthritis and musculo-skeletal pain.  Increasingly, its effectiveness in managing depression has been observed and is being studied. Acupuncture does not just treat symptoms, but tailors the treatment to the individual patient and addresses the root of disease.

The needles used are extremely fine and the whole procedure is hardly ever painful. The mild prick of the needle is insignificant compared to the reinvigoration and the healing one experiences from a treatment.

Historically, in China, the traditional practice was to pay the acupuncturist to keep you well and payment was withheld if you became ill! Nowadays patients usually come with a specific complaint but some may simply attend for a “tune up” because they find acupuncture increases their general sense of well-being.

Call Reception on 01462 678804 to book your appointment or sign in to your WellnessLiving account to book online.

Tim Stillwell BAc MBAcC

Tim qualified at the International College of Oriental Medicine and has practised acupuncture since 1987. His further studies over the years include a post-graduate clinical course in Nanjing, China.

He is a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and he currently sits on their Ethics and Disciplinary Committee, having previously served on its Executive.

An acupuncture treatment with Tim lasts up to 40 minutes. He will take all relevant medical history while formulating a treatment strategy. He is well known for his wide experience and caring manner.

Tim Stillwell Acupuncture

Maternity Acupuncture

Pre-conception Acupuncture

This is a specific treatment for women who experience a menstrual cycle and would like support with regulation and natural conception. 

Please note - this therapy is not suitable for women who are undergoing IVF treatment or have a diagnosis of infertility or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Postnatal Acupuncture

This can be provided up to 12 weeks after the birth, allowing support for the changes that will occur within this period.  This treatment can aid:

·        Emotional & physical recovery

·        Lactation support and help relief of mastitis symptoms

·        Extra therapy to assist the body with any wound healing or recovery

·        Musculoskeletal issues such as back pain or pelvic pain

·        Relaxation during this time to support your wellbeing and self-care

Acupuncture during Pregnancy

There are many physiological, emotional, and hormonal changes that occur for women during this journey, acupuncture may be able to support these sometimes-difficult transitions and many of the pregnancy conditions that can be experienced, such as:

·        Pregnancy nausea & vomiting

·        Anxiety, stress & tension

·        Insomnia & fatigue

·        Heartburn & indigestion

·        Constipation & haemorrhoids

·        Muscular issues, including pelvic girdle pain, sciatica, backache & symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD)

·        Birth preparation

·        Support for natural onset of labour

·        Post-date pregnancy


Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese technique to support a baby to turn from 'bottom' first known as breech to 'head' first known as cephalic.  This treatment uses herbal moxa sticks to heat a particular energy point (located on the little toe) which then may encourage the hormonal changes and uterine relaxation needed to allow the baby to turn.

This treatment can be up to 66% successful and will be taught to you and your birth partner over a 45-minute therapy session so it can be self-administered at home over the following five days.  Telephone support will be available during this time should you need further guidance.

Booking an Appointment:

Appointments available on request, please email or call on 01462 678 804 and press 2 for Clinic.

Amy Hunt

Amy qualified as a Midwife in 2008 and has been working within the NHS since then.  She has worked to enhance her midwifery career through a variety of roles that encompass clinical care, leadership roles, education & teaching, and has continued to enhance her studies over this time.  Always keen to develop her skills as a 'forever learner' she has recently found a passion for complementary therapies, specifically acupuncture.

In 2022 she undertook a course in maternity specific acupuncture, allowing her to focus solely on some of the conditions and concerns that are experienced during pregnancy and postnatal period.  She also continued to complete an advanced course gaining understanding and skill in assisting natural conception and supporting menstrual cycles for those requiring pre-conception support as well as being able to advise and teach on the administration of Moxibustion for breech presentations.  As a practicing midwife she has a deep understanding and appreciation for the pregnancy journey and the many transitions that are involved, physically & emotionally.

Amy believes that acupuncture can be extremely beneficial, she is passionate about providing the best support possible throughout your pregnancy and will help create a therapy plan tailored to your individual needs.

If you would like to discuss how acupuncture may be of benefit to you, please contact us, and Amy will provide you with more information.  Please be aware that this therapy will not be appropriate for everyone, but we will endeavour to assist with more appropriate alternative therapies.

Appointments available on request, please email or call on 01462 678 804