Osteopathy is based on the principle that for the body and organs to function optimally, the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues need to be aligned, unrestricted and working smoothly together.
A good example of this principle is in the case of the lungs and the back: freeing the muscles and the bone structure to correct the posture can allow lungs to expand. Consequently, more oxygen is delivered to the blood, to the internal organs and to the brain. The result: more energy, greater mental clarity, healthier and better functioning internal systems.
Focusing on the structure of the body, an osteopath will use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to increase the mobility of joints, relieve muscle tension and enhance the blood supply to tissues in order to help facilitate your body’s own natural healing mechanisms. The aim is to restore the body to a state of balance.
Each treatment is tailored to meet the individual needs of the client. Osteopaths treat the person, not just the disorder, and the objective is supporting long-term health. An osteopath may provide advice on lifestyle issues, diet and exercise as well as the physical treatment.
Cranial Osteopathy
Cranial Osteopathy is a branch of osteopathy which works on the bones of the skull. Extremely gentle and comforting, it is used with great success for infants to correct birth trauma – with reported dramatic relief of infantile colic and sleep problems following treatment.
To book, click on the ‘Book here’ button below to be taken to WellnessLiving and then click on ‘Appointments’ or call Reception on 01462 678804.
Trevor Cox BSc (Hons) Ost Med DO
Trevor trained at the British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy (BCNO, now known as BCOM) from 1991 to 1995, graduating with a BSc(Hons) in Osteopathic Medicine and with Diplomas in both Osteopathy and Naturopathy. His postgraduate training has included programmes in cranial osteopathy, infantile colic, Jeff Booker’s Fitness Golfer, and the treatment of horses and small animals with osteopathy. He has been part of the clinical team at the Centre since 1995. Trevor is registered with BUPA.