Living Mindfully - A Series of 6 Workshops

Date: Sundays, for 6 weeks, starting 17 September 2023
Time: 10.00am-1.00pm
Location: The Garden Room at The Sadie Centre
Cost: £20 per workshop (
single or multiple workshops can be booked via WellnessLiving using the ‘Book a Workshop’ button or via Eventbrite by clicking on the ‘Buy Tickets’ button.
Tutor: Anna Zannides (BSc First Class Honours in Computer Science, PGCE in Teaching, Masters in Education, Diploma in Performance Coaching with NLP, Mindfulness Teacher trainer -
Anna Zannides | Author | Mindfulness Teacher | Personal Coach)

Workshop 1 - Living Mindfully -- with a Relationship Breakup (and moving on)
When relationships work well, they can bring great joy - but their breakdown can turn our lives upside down. In this session, you will learn mindfulness techniques which can help you let go of the past and start to re-build your life.

Workshop 2 - Living Mindfully -- as we cope with Bereavement and Loss

In this session, you will learn simple, easy to apply compassion-based mindfulness practices to help you work through your emotions, one moment at a time. (This workshop takes place on Sunday 24 September)

Workshop 3 - Living Mindfully -- with Cancer

This session is based on the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer course designed to support people living with cancer. In the workshop you will learn powerful ways to cope with the stress and anxiety that commonly accompany a cancer diagnosis. (This workshop takes place on Sunday 1 October)

Workshop 4 - Living Mindfully -- in the Workplace

Being mindful can be difficult in the context of the workplace. In this session, you will learn methods which can help you maintain your mindful habits – despite work pressures. (This workshop takes place on Sunday 8 October)

Workshop 5 - Living Mindfully -- for Children & Young People

This session is for young people between 13 and 18 years old who want to learn effective ways of dealing with stress and anxiety. In the workshop you will learn simple practices which can help you take better care of yourself and your wellbeing. (This workshop takes place on Sunday 15 October)

Workshop 6 - Living Mindfully -- for Parents

Join this workshop to get a deeper understanding of how compassion-based mindfulness can help improve your parenting skills. You will learn tools that you can put into practice to help you be more present with your child/children and to help you take better take care of yourself as well. (This workshop takes place on Sunday 22 October)

Anna Zannides

Anna is an author, accredited Mindfulness teacher and Personal Coach with a background in education. She trained with the Mindfulness Association, Bangor University and renowned teachers such as Rob Nairns and Trish Bartley.

She is trained to teach the Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC) which is one of the few courses approved by the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches (BAMBA). In addition, she is qualified to deliver the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer and the Mindfulness in Schools programs.

Anna has had the privilege of working with people who are going through life challenges such as cancer, loss and relationship endings, in addition to her work in schools.